Monday, May 2, 2022

Gallstones and cholesterol

 Gallstones and cholesterol
Have you ever had a doctor say you have gallstones and need to have your gallbladder removed?
How do gallstones form? Are these stones caused by calcium deposits? Is gallbladder removal appropriate? Do you have any questions? Today we dispel this suspicion. Read the full article. Many myths have been shattered to win your life. This article will help you to open your mind and stay healthy.

Gallbladder and bile ducts
Bile is a highly alkaline fluid produced by our liver to digest the fat in our diet. The pH is around 8.2. The gallbladder is a small vessel that stores bile. The lower gallbladder is located in the center of the liver. The bile turns green. The bile produced by the liver is increased 20 times daily and stored in the gallbladder. To be used after that. If this concentration does not help the bile to form, then the mother of the bile is a stone in the gallbladder.

 What is bile made from?
A very important question. What is bile made of? Bile is made from cholesterol. Cholesterol is broken down into very small particles in the liver. This is called catabolism. The liver knows how to break down cholesterol into the tiny particles our body needs. Vitamin D, cell membrane, hormones, bile are produced from these cholesterol particles. This cholesterol is also produced by the liver. About 75% of the cholesterol in our body is produced by the liver. About 25% of our body gets it through food. So it breaks down this cholesterol and produces bile. The liver normally produces about 1 to 1.5 liters of bile per day. This bile is what helps our body digest the fat in our diet and absorb it. The stomach has an acidic environment. As a result, fat is not digested in the stomach. But an alkaline medium is created here as the bile comes to the eclipse. Due to this it is possible to digest fat during pregnancy. This digestive process also occurs in small intestines. Somehow it is now clear to you that bile is a very important chemical.
But what are these stones?

You may remember I mentioned earlier that bile produced by the liver is stored in the gallbladder. This bile is 20 times more concentrated than the bile produced by the liver. Because of this they try to freeze. It coagulates, not as bile, but as cholesterol, which helps to make bile. Thus, there is a constant thickening of cholesterol in the gallbladder. But there is no problem because the bile produced by the liver breaks down the solid cholesterol back into smaller particles. So no problem. But what happens if the bile produced by the liver is reduced? Can the thickened cholesterol in the gallbladder prevent further thickening? I think you understood something. Now the problem is about the production of bile in the liver. Cholesterol is needed to make bile. Cholesterol is produced in the liver. But what if you use anti-cholesterol statins? You may be suffering from a cholesterol deficiency. This can interfere with bile production. So poor bile production means that cholesterol builds up in the gallbladder. This solidification solidifies to very hard crystals. These cause inflammation of the gallbladder. Swelling. Sometimes the blockage of the bile ducts can lead to a very painful experience. So an ultrasound scan reveals the presence of these stones. Eventually the doctor concludes that the gallbladder should be removed. You agree. That's what happens. You may also feel the need to remove or get rid of the gallbladder because of the pain.
How do you know if you have gallstones?

 The gallbladder is located in the lower part of the center of the liver. This is like a bag. That is why it is called gall bladder or gall bladder. Desire is the bag. So when these gallstones form, the gallbladder swells. This swelling causes pressure on the liver. The liver is located beneath the great diaphragm. Because of this the pressure is felt on the great wall as well. So the nerves going to the great diaphragm are also pushed for the same reason. Several spinal nerves, which extend from the vertebrae in our neck, join together to carry out the communication functions required by the mammary gland. We breathe in and out because this great wall rises and falls. So if there is any pressure on this great wall, it means that the nerves are also being pushed. This push extends to the neck area. The spinal nerves C3 and C5 communicate with the great diaphragm. This nerve is called the phrenic nerve. This nerve compression can cause some pain in your right arm or right shoulder. A person with this condition may suspect that they have gallstones. Some people misunderstand this as a frozen shoulder and try to treat it, but to no avail. The pain continues.
Also, if you feel pain about two inches below the right side of your rib cage, it may indicate gallstones. This pain can be temporarily relieved by pressing with your fingers two inches below the bottom of the rib cage on the left side of your hand. This is just to ease the pain.
What are the other causes of gallstones?
There are other factors that contribute to the thickening of cholesterol.
Excessive insulin production in the pancreas

 Management Constipation
Impaired production in the liver
Eating a low fat diet
Increased consumption of carbohydrates.
Long-term use of statin-type drugs
These factors also cause gallstones. In other words, it causes cholesterol to form in the gallbladder.
What are the other functions of the pit?
The main function of the pit is the process of fat digestion, which we first discussed. In addition, bile breaks down cholesterol. Here cholesterol undergoes recycling. The bile also helps in breaking down the LDL cholesterol in our body and producing HDL cholesterol. But because of our efforts to destroy cholesterol, we are unable to break down LDL cholesterol, a naturally occurring process, and produce HDL cholesterol.
Also, the blood in our body needs to be slightly alkaline. The bile also helps to preserve this alkalinity. We also need to keep in mind that our immune system is activated in an alkaline medium. The blood of a person with cancer tends to become acidic. The follicle is acidic. This weakens the immune system. As a result, the body loses its ability to destroy cancer cells. See how important the gallbladder is to us. How foolish is it to decide to remove the gallbladder without thinking of any of these?
Can gallstones be removed?

 Stones can be removed. There are treatments for this in the indigenous medical system. We can refer to them. The most important thing here is to find out if there is solid cholesterol before the gallstones form. We can do this very successfully with bio-resonance technology. This technology records the condition of all parts of the body and even predicts future illnesses. All you have to do is do this test once a year. This technology is manufactured in Russia and is a very simple and accurate research method that can be done without any harm to the body.


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