Friday, April 22, 2022

fish oil

 Let's learn about fish oil from the beginning,
1. What is fish oil?
2. Importance of taking fish oil.
3. Importance of fish oil as a source of omega-3.
4. The dose to be taken and the appropriate time.
5. Natural food sources and supplements.
 Fish oil is mainly produced from the oils of deep-sea oily oily tissues. The most important of these is omega-3 fatty acids concentrated in fish oil. Also known as ω-3 fatty acids or n-3 fatty acids. Called. omega-3 are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. This was described in detail in a previous article.
There are three types of omega-3 PUFAs:
1.ALA. (Alpha-Linolenic acid)
2.EPA. (Eicosapentaenoic acid)
3.DHA. (Docosahexaenoic acid)
Of these, fish oil is the main source of EPA and DHA omega3 fatty acids. These two fatty acids are not produced in the body and must be obtained externally. Converts values ​​from 5% to 20% into EPA and DHA.
Significance depends on the size of the problem and the degree to which omega-3 deficiency is the leading cause of death in the United States. It could be more than that. So this is a huge gap. The average healthy person should control this ratio to a ratio of 2: 1 because overdose of omega6 causes inflammation in the body and omega3 activates anti-inflammatory and eliminates those antibodies. Let's discuss the importance of obtaining fish oil,
1. To maintain a healthy heart.
 It increases HDL levels, lowers LDL levels and controls good cholesterol levels. Overall, it lowers triglycerides by 15% -30%. It also helps reduce high blood pressure. This is important for maintaining a regular heart rhythm.
2. For brain function.
 The human brain is made up of about 60% fats, most of which are omega3. It is used for many brain diseases (ADHD, Alzheimer's Disease, Anxiety ...) and depression.
3.Important for eye function.
 Many structures in the brain as well as the eye are made of omega3, which is used for aging (AMD).
4. To maintain bone health.
5. Acts anti-cancer.
6. Controls diabetes.
7. It develops immunity and is important for skin and hair.
8.It is important to lose weight.
9. Increases fertility and fertility.
10.Increases protein absorption.
This is done by omega3 increasing the activity of mTOR (Mechanistic target of rapamycin) .The end result is very important in muscle growth.
 11. Reduces swelling and pain.
 As a source of omega-3 fish oil, it is especially important that fish oil contains a higher percentage of omega-3s than other sources.
 If you are not into a particular sport or are an amateur, a combination of EPA and DHA values ​​of 500 mg may be sufficient. Or fit after dinner.
 Let's see what are the sources of omega - 3 food sources. Most of the fish in the cold sea are rich in omega - 3, eg salmon, mackerel, cod, herring. Walnut, chia seed, spinach, soy, hemp seed, algae can be mentioned.
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